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Showing posts from June, 2018

Kot Dada Lalitpur

Despite being a beautiful height Kot dada is still unknown to many outdoor as well as indoor travellers.Kot dada is a famous height located at southern part of Kathmandu valley. From the top of the place you can have a beautiful view of  all three cities of Kathmandu valley i.e. Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur which of course will cherish your heart and soul. View of Lalitpur and Kathmandu Kot dada is located at Lalitpur. Once you get to Sathdobato you head straight to Godavari following Godavari highway. After 20 to 30 minutes of local vehicle ride, you reach Hadegaun, Lalitpur,you have to leave Godavari Highway and head towards East. Then you go to Godamchour or you can directly get a bus heading towards Godamchour from Sathdobato or Lagankhel. From Godamchour you go straight uphill, little like forest walk with villages and beautiful view of Kathmandu and Lalitpur  by your left. Then you reach Bishankhu Narayan temple, temple of a Hindu God Bishnu. Make sure you vi...